
Enis Tufina
Raiffeisenallee 12 B
Oberhaching 82041

Legal Disclaimer

  1. Content of the online offering

The site owner takes no responsibility for the relevance, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information presented. The site owner will not be held liable for any losses, material or otherwise, arising from the use or non-use of the information provided or caused by the use of incorrect or incomplete information, insofar as no demonstrably deliberate or grossly negligent action has been made by the company. All offers are subject to alteration and are not binding. The site owner expressly reserves the right to change parts of the site or the whole offering without notice, to expand it, to remove it or end the offer for a short time or for good.

  1. References and links

For indirect or direct links to third-party sites, which lie beyond the control of the site owner, the site owner can not be held responsible unless the site owner has knowledge of the content and it is technically possible and reasonable for him to restrict use where he is aware of illegal content. The site owner expressly declares here, that at the time the links were created there was no illegal content visible on the linked sites. The site owner has no influence or control over the current or future management, content or authorship of the linked sites. Therefore the site owner expressly distances himself from all content on the linked sites, which has changed since the creation of the links. This statement is applicable to all links to the internet offering and references from it as well as all third-party entries in guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists set up by the site owner. The site owner takes no responsibility for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content or particularly for losses arising from the use or non-use of information provided by these sites. The providers of these sites to which you have been directed are responsible, not the one who directed you to these sites which are in the public domain.

  1. Copyright and trademarks

The site owner has endeavoured: to respect the authorship of all graphics, audio footage, video sequences and text used in all publications; to use graphics, audio footage, video sequences and text he has created himself; and, to use royalty free graphics, audio footage, video sequences and text. All trademarks and brands named in the internet offering and possibly copyrighted by third parties are subject to the current copyright law and ownership rights of the relevant proprietor. It can not be assumed that a brand logo is not protected under copyright just because it has been cited! The copyright for published items created by the site owner himself remains with the site owner alone. Reproduction or use of these graphics, audio footage and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the express agreement of the creator.

  1. Legal effectiveness of this disclaimer

This disclaimer is to be read as part of the internet offering, from which you were directed to this page. Where sections or single items of this text do not accord in part or at all or any longer with the current legal regulations, the rest of the document is unaffected in terms of content or validity.

  1. Battery regulations

For our Quartz watches, batteries are part of the supply. In connection with the sale of these batteries, we, as a manufacturer, are obliged by the Battery Act to make our customers aware of the following: Please dispose of old batteries, as prescribed by law. Disposal in household waste is expressly forbidden. Dispose of at a local community recycling centre or hand them in at your local store at no charge.

You can return batteries supplied by us after use to the following address free of charge or by post with the correct postage.

Enis Tufina
Raiffeisenallee 12 B
Oberhaching 82041

Batteries, which contain harmful substances, are marked with the symbol of a wheelie bin with a cross through it, similar to the symbol shown. Under the wheelie bin symbol you can see the chemical symbol of the harmful substance.

„Cd” is cadmium.

„Pb” is lead.

„Hg” is mercury.

You can also find these notes in the paperwork accompanying the goods or in the instruction leaflet.